Alerts Public and Customers on fake identity demanding payment on fraudulent transactions.

公眾和客戶關於冒本公司/電郵 欺詐性交易付款的要求


A fake identity/email with an attached forged Proforma Invoice would advise the target recipient(s) to pay fraudulent transaction to other company's OSA (off-shore accounts) including but not limited to [ HK MASCOT TECH CO LTD ] & [ HK SYBELL Technology Co Ltd ] at Shen Zhen Ping On Bank, PRC.

有假冒本公司者詐騙電郵(附偽造的發票)會建議目標收件者欺詐性的交易,其他公司名稱的離岸帳戶(Off-Shore Account OSA作出支付,其中包括但不限於在中國深圳的平安銀行 [ HK MASCOT TECH CO LTD ] & [ HK SYBELL Technology Co Ltd ]


Chaiper Electronic Ltd alerts the public that the fake identity/email is not issued and allowed and there forged Proforma Invoice is not authorized by the Company. Chaiper Electronic Ltd has no direct or indirect relationship with the above-mentioned fake identity/email.



Customers are advised to ensure that they do make payments to the company’s official title "Chaiper Electronic Ltd (捷力電子有限公司)" if necessary. Chaiper reaffirms that the Company will never request customers to pay authorized transactions to any third party accounts; and the Company has never established any off-shore account beyond Hong Kong.

如有需要客戶只要向"捷力電子有限公司 (Chaiper Electronic Ltd) "作出支付捷力電子有限公司重申本公司會要求客戶向任何未經授權的第三方帳戶支付交易;以及本公司從來沒有建立任何超越香港範圍的離岸帳戶。


For enquiry or receiving any fraudulent email, please contact Chaiper Electronic Ltd by Phone at (852) 2793 3331 as soon as possible, or email to

如有查詢或接獲有關欺詐性的電子郵件,請儘快聯繫 捷力電子有限公司,電話 (852) 27933 3331,或電郵至


Chaiper Electronic Ltd has reported the case to Hong Kong Police.
